A shot if my 11 year old during his football game last week (April 6).

I really proud of my pictures from this past weekend. The conditions were not the best (bright sunlight around noon) and the baby was not content to sit in the stroller while I took pictures so I was holding him most of the time (while taking pictures). But I really think these are my best sports picture so far. There is minimum editing, cropping only because too dumb to figure out my editing software yet. During the football games I shoot in manual 90% of the time but I switch over to sports move or a couple plays because I do not trust myself. This week was the first time I kept it in manual the entire time. I am pretty damn proud of the outcome.
My 8 year old during his game this weekend (April 13).

I am getting a speedlite for my birthday (a mere month away) and I cannot WAIT!!
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