I am so glad it is summer break. The school year stresses me out. I hate worrying about reading logs and permission slips and who has what due when. Ugh. I love the carefree summer days. I think the kids do too! ;) I am all about the carefree summer life.
The boys finished spring football last weekend. We are on a football break until July 22 when fall ball starts. My 11 year old and 8 year old both finished 3rd in their division so that was pretty exciting for them. I was ready for the break but I will be ready for the madness when it is time to start again.

Tomorrow marks the end of my formal training period at work. When I get to work tomorrow I have to take a big test. It is open book but I am still a bit freaked out. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. I CAN do this, right? Hopefully tomorrow I will be back posting a happy positive update for you all.
That is my life in nutshell these days.
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