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Friday, November 8, 2013

Oh how the years go by

Lately I have been feeling so melancholy. It has really hit me that my oldest is 14-years-old and in high school. 14-years-old! How does that happen? I feel like my time with her is fleeting and it just hurts my heart. I still remember that first time she was handed to me. My sweet baby girl, my only daughter. Now, she is a young lady.

My next oldest is 13-years old, my oldest son. He is tall as me now. This past week was his football banquet. It was so emotional because this was his last year before he starts high school and plays high school football. The end of an era and a new chapter to start...

Ugh, my heart just hearts lately. I know that is selfish because they are growing up and coming into their own. I should be proud and happy. I am so very proud of them. But for now, it hurts and I am going to be selfish about it for a while.

Hold your babies tight momma's. Babies don't keep.


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