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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hello there...

Long time no write.

I have been debating what to do with this blog. I love my blog and I wish I updated more. There are a couple of reasons why I have not been active. One reason is because I am super angry at blogger (long story involving all my deleted pictures). The other is that, well, I am sort of random and really boring.

On the random note, should make this a mommy blog? A large family blog? A photography blog? A beauty blog? Or just stick with the random musings of a neurotic mom? Some weeks I am all about my photography obsession and the next I am all about my nail polish obsession and the next I am all about the mommy stuff. I do not know if that randomness is a good thing or a bad thing. I am not sure where I am going with this other than to say there are big changes in the works...I am just not sure what.

1 comment:

  1. How am I just discovering your blog and yet you've been blogging since 2012?! I went to your IG today to look at the picture posted of your new outfits (totally cute btw) and noticed your blog listed in your profile. 10 points for being observant, lol!

    If you ask me, I think you should stick with the random musings of a mom type blog. I feel like bloggers often feel as though they need to choose one theme of sorts when blogging and my questions is, why? I say write about whatever you want because that's what's usually more interesting.

    My blog is all over the place... mama blog, cooking, crafting, LGBT, TTC, I could go on and on. I just feel like the more random the better. ;) I'm adding you to my blog roll and I look forward to following.

    Happy New Year!


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