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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Time for some changes

I am just not in a good place place right now.

My self esteem is at an all time low. I need to lose weight. I am really down in the dumps about my job/financial situation. I am just feel really down and lost about everything. I realize that part of my feelings are due to PPD. However, many of the others issues I do have control of and the power to change. And that is what I intend to do.

1. Weight loss- Well this one is a no brainer. It may not be easy but it is something I have the control to change. I have a beautiful jogging stroller that needs to be used more. I have always enjoyed running. I promised my daughter I would run a race with her this May. I need to just get out there and do it. Truthfully, I meant to to hit it hard this week but a biter cold snap hit us the past few days. Running with a baby in temperatures in the teens is not an option. That said, a jogging stroller is not necessary for sit-ups, push-ups, crunches, etc. It is hard to get started but I *know* I will feel so much better about myself and eventually the physical changes will follow.

2. Job Hunting- I need to make sure I am submitting at least one application a day. I have been good about this the past week but I need to make sure I continue to stay consistent. The source of much of my stress is financial. Once I am working again I will feel better about a lot of things that are upsetting me lately. I have to do what is best for my family and working outside the home is what is best for us. I have applied for about 10 positions in the past few days so we will see what happens.* :::fingers crossed:::

3. Recharge- I need to take care of myself. I have fallen into a slump. I have turned into a martyr. I have been needlepointing on and off since I was 10. I have some unfinished projects that could use my attention. I also want to play with my camera a little more and learn to use it beyond "auto". I need to take time to recharge even if it is only a few minutes every day.

*I received my first rejection letter today. Ugh, I know it goes with the territory but man does it suck to be rejected. Oh well, such is life.

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