Conor is doing well with daycare but there have been some tears (both his and mine...mostly mine) and it breaks my heart. :(. But we are both plowing through and I know a week from now everything will be much easier. I wish I could just be home with him but that is just not my reality. I am so exhausted and trying to get my routine down. I feel like a bag lady every day. I walk out daily with a diaper bag, cooler bag for bottles, my lunch bag, breast pump, and my purse. I hate pumping and I hate washing bottles. But you do what you got to do, right?

My two big kids started track this week. They like it a lot but they are SORE. All that exercise has been a shock to their system after a long break from activities. lol Next week is Spring Break and the week after starts our football madness. It will be nuts. I am already exhausted. But I am excited. I am ready to get outside and get some vitamin D.
Today I had kind of a rough days so my husband brought me some irises to cheer me up! Irises and daffodils are my favorite. Irises because I am proud member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and daffodils because, well...because they are pretty! Nothing says spring like some lovely irises!

And with that, this former nightowl is dozing off and it is barely 10pm. Time for me to hit the hay!
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