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Monday, August 19, 2013

My life recently as told through my phone camera...

Because I do not have enough chaos in my life I volunteered to bring water to practice for two weeks for my 11 year old's FB team

There have been after practice trips to the grocery store for Gatorade every now and then

Conor's favorite part of daycare is eating...

I forgot just how much crap I have to pack for game day

My baby is still adorable and makes this face when I take pictures now

I color coordinated my daughter's closet. She was not amused.

Again, I have a cute baby...

Back to School

I am the worst blog owner lately! I am so behind on my Project 52. Truthfully, I am taking pictures but not good at posting and keep up my blog.

I am just so overwhelmed right now. Between football and back to school madness I cannot even see straight. Work is also stressful right now (good but stressful). Some people love when the kids go back to school. I am not one of those people. The kids going back to school adds a whole new level of chaos into my life. And also back to school time means I am literally hemorrhaging money...the school supplies, the clothes, the gas driving back and forth from store to store. Ugh. I say boo to back to school.

This year I have a 3rd grader, two middle schoolers (6th and 8th grade) and a high schooler (9th grader). A high schooler! How in the world did that happen? Anyway, we are on week two of school and we are surviving. The 9th grader is not loving HS yet but it gets better each day. It is just a huge change.

But otherwise everything is going well. My house is a little messier and I am a little more exhausted (I did not even think that was possible) but we are trudging along...

Saturday, August 3, 2013

My life recently as told through my phone camera...

Still playing catch-up, my past couple weeks as told through my phone camera...

Fall ball 2013 took over our home and wallets.

My purse looks like a toybox

My baby is still really cute

There was some some Chipotle action

Football homework?!

Again, my baby is really cute

Project 52-Week 29 and 30

Ok, so I am a bit behind. I actually took the pictures I just did not get around to posting them. Life has been a little crazy. My boys started football on July 22 and we have been in the middle of back to school preparations so I have not had a chance to actually sit down and write.

Week 29
The important thing about this picture is that it was incredibly overexposed and I salvaged it a bit. Pretty proud of myself.

Week 30
Again, another shot that is more about editing. It was shot during the middle of the day so that shadows were pretty harsh. I tried my hardest to fix it.

Here is where I warn you that the majority og my pictures will be football related for at least the next two months. Sorry. That is my only practice time during football season.

I will try to stay on top of this for the rest of the year!
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