-He is kind of crawling? He has been trying and Saturday he seemed to move a couple inches. Tonight was the first time I really saw him go for it though. He crawled right over to the Xbox. Great.
-He loves any and all food. Anything you put in front of him he will shove into his little mouth as fast as he can. It is kind of cute and kind of alarming.
-He is seriously one super happy baby. I mean really, I know he is my kid and I may be biased but he is so easy going. We drag him all around to track meets, football games, shopping, errands...and he is is all smiles 90% of the time. Except when the dog licks him. That seriously ticks him off. Tonight I brought the dog in the kitchen to eat the mess under his highchair after dinner (don't judge!) and the dog licked his face. Conor FREAKED OUT. Alrighty then.
-He generally sleeps pretty well. We put him down at 8pm and he is out until 5am. Then he nurses and is out again until 6:30-7am. Of course I probably just jinxed myself, he will be up all night this evening.
-He is super spoiled and super loved. He adores his siblings and they adore him.