I got the job! The job I really wanted and knew would be a perfect fit...the one close to home and my children's schools...the one I never thought would call me for an interview and I GOT IT! And they offered a higher salary than I expected (which is a downright miracle with state government)! I am so excited, I think this job is a prefect fit. I start on March 4.
I have two big worries though...
I am worried about putting my sweet baby in daycare. I feel so bad. My older 4 were with me when they were were babies. In fact, only my 8 year old was in daycare. And he was 4 years old when he started daycare so it was a little different. But I have not choice and I need to just accept it and be at peace.
Secondly, I am worried about organization. I am such a terrible working mom. I am just so frazzled and so disorganized. I just do not know how to fix it. My kids are all expected to do certain chores. They help with dusting, vacuuming, putting away laundry, cleaning bathrooms, emptying the dishwasher, etc. But we have no system to their chores. they just do it when I tell them to do so. If the dishwasher needs to be emptied I just get one or two of them to help. I wash and fold the laundry and then call the kids to come get their laundry and put it away but I have no set laundry day. They help and they are good about it and
never rarely complain.
When I return to work our schedule will for something like this:
5:45am-Get up, get ready, get kids up and ready/fed
7:10am- Get 11 y/o and 8 y/o on bus.
7:30am- Take baby to daycare, go to work
8-4:30pm- WORK
4:30- Leave work and pick up baby, pick up 11 y/o and 8 y/o.
5:00pm- Pick up 13 y/o and 12 y/o from track practice. Then take 12 y/o, 11 y/o, and 8 y/o to football practice.
Luckily the 12 y/o has track and football at the same field.
5:30-7:30pm- Hang out at football practice with one of the kids (usually the 8 year old, he is still a baby in my mind). I generally use this time to jog/exercise.
7:45pm- Get home, eat dinner, and then homework, baths, and bedtime.
Clearly we have little time for anything else. I NEED to keep my home in order. I am trying to tackle any projects (get rid of clutter) in the next two weeks. I need an organized system to make it all work. I have meals down to an art (I am all about meal planning and my crockpot!) but the cleaning is something I struggle with.
Any tips?