6:00-Get up, make coffee, get dressed/hair/make-up (I shower at night)
6:30-Wake up 8 y/o and 11 y/o
baby usually wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00. I nurse him and change/dress him after feeding him.
7:00-Wake up 12 y/o and 13 y/o
7:10-Get 11 y/o and 8 y/o to bus
7:30-Leave for daycare/work
I pump 2-3 times throughout the day.
4:45-Pick up baby and 11 y/o and 8 y/o
5:00-12 y/o and 13 y/o run track for their middle school. I pick up my 13 y/o and drop off my 12 y/o football gear for football practice. He has football practice at the middle school so that is super helpful in my crazy life. My 8 y/o also has football practice at the middle school. This saves my butt every day. Then I drive to another park where my 11 y/o has football practice.
7-7:15-Practice is over for everyone.
7:30-Eat dinner
8:00-10:00- Big kids do homework (the little guys get it done afterschool/before practice). During this time I am preping snacks and meals for the next day. Doing a load or two of laundry, washing bottles (The bane of my existance. Ugh.)
11:00-12:00- Wind down time for me! I
I am trying to use the boy's football practice as time to practice with my camera and exercise as well. The camera practice is going well. Exercise, well, not so much. The weather has been really crappy. New Mexico in March is windy and miserable. The past several days have been cold with bitter cold wind. Therefore, the baby is none too happy about being in the stroller with all the wind and sand. And really, who can blame him. It is supposed to warm up in the next few days and then I can be diligent about exercise. Hopefully by the end of next week.

Oraganization is saving my butt every day. Some nights, I just want to skip all the meal prepping and bag packing for the next morning. But I *know* I will regret it if I do. I really have to force myself some evenings. But it is so worth it. I have always loved my crock pot but it is my best friend now more than ever. Tonight we had Slow Cooker Buffalo Wing Sandwiches and cole slaw. It was a hit. Tomorrow we are having bean burritos (beans will be cooked in the crock pot) and Spanish rice (which I already made the evening).
I pack all our bags the night before and boy do we have millions of bags. Ok, not millions. I am exaggerating. We only have 8. The diaper bag, my purse, my breastpump bag, my lunch bag, football/equipment bags x3 and "football practice" diaper bag are loaded in the car the night before. I also pack a snack bag for the big kids because they do not get a snack before track practice (and the 12 year old goes straight from track to football). Whew.
Have I mentioned I decided to stay on my part time job as well? I thought it would be nice to stay on and work Sunday's only. That way I keep my discount and it is an easy $50 each week. It seemed like such a good idea. But good grief, I am tired. Really tired and somehings got to give. I think it will the part time job.
Anyway, that is a day in my life lately.