As I have explained HERE baby Conor was a surprise. I had an Essure tubal in 2009 and unexpectedly became pregnant in October of 2011. To say we were shocked does not even begin to cover it. But he was on his way against all odds...
Thankfully, aside from some terrible morning/all day sickness my pregnancy was very healthy and normal. I had decided to work upp until birth unless medically necessary to quit. I wanted as much time home with the baby as possible after he was born. Overall, I was fine with this decision but it was admittedly difficult towards the end.
My guess date of July 9 came and went. Now, I am pretty laid back about letting the baby come when they are ready. I am semi-crunchy and had 4 prior natural childbirths. I try to avoid medical intervention and induction unless truly medically necessary. I also know that babies do not magically appear on their "guess" (due) dates. But I am not going to lie, when my guess/due date came and went, I was bummed out. Hey, I am human and I have been through 5 pregnancies...I was over it.
On July 12 I went to work as normal. I felt fine and every thing seemed normal. Around 2pm I went to the bathroom and thought maybe my water was leaking. Nah, I decided it was just wishful thinking. I went about my day. That evening I got home and made dinner for everyone. After dinner I went upstairs and changed into my standard pregnancy uniform of a tank top (Love those Target Long and Lean tank tops) and khaki shorts. After changing I sat on the foot of my bed and as I leaned across to grab a pillow on the other side I felt that undeniable gush. I told my husband that I "thought" my water was broken but I was not sure. I then called my doctor and they of course told me to come in ASAP. We called out inlaws and I did my last minute packing and then we headed off to the hospital. As we left my now 13 year old son insisted on taking one last picture (he is so sweet).
So off we went.
When we arrived in triage they asked me to change into a gown so they could verify that my water had indeed broken. At this point, my khaki shorts were soaked. The doctor checked me and I was 4-5cm and decided that the gushing as she checked me was all the proof she needed to verify my water broke. lol Then I was started on an IV because I have a heart condition and most important for the first time in 5 pregnancies I tested Group B strep positive. I was still in triage at this poin because there were no rooms for me. I was told the the first round of antibiotics would take 20 minutes (I needed two) and I needed at least one round before delivering. I was not concerned because I was having hardly any contractions and ZERO pain. I had plenty of time. 45 minutes later (and one Charmed episode on Netflix) the IV bag was barely dripping and still half full. It was about 11pm and my contractions all of a sudden were coming hard and fast out of no where. And I was still in triage. The nurse came in and adjusted my IV and took me to a room. Apparently, my IV was not set up right and the charge nurse took over and apologized. The charge nurse offically took over my care. But really, I did not care at this point. I was pretty uncomfortable at this point. And by uncomortable, I mean in pain. I was also freaking out because I still did not have my necessary antibiotics yet.
Once we got into the room and I asked to be checked and the doctor confirmed that I was at about a 7. Sweet, progress. Super painful progress but progress nonetheless. ;) Once the doctor checked me her and the nurse left and told me to call if I needed anything. Immediately upon them leaving I felt enourmous pressure. Crazy pressure. But the doctor had just checked me less than five minutes ago. No way could it be be time to push, right? My husband called the nurse and the doctor came back in. I said, "I know this is crazy because you just checked me less than 5 minutes ago. There is no way I am complete now, right?" The doctor checked me and I was indeed complete. I went from 7-10 in under five minutes and it was go time. They broke down the bed and it seemed like an eternity before my next contraction came. Finally, I felt another contraction came and I pushed and pushed as hard as I could. And in ONE push (I swear!) Conor Knox was born at 11:35pm on July, 12, 2012 (he simply could not wait until Firday the 13th). My sweet boy was a perfect 6lbs 8.9oz and 20in.
And now, here we are with an almost 1 year old and couldn't be happier. He completes our family.
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