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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The days are long but the years are short

My sweet little baby is 7 months old now? How in the world did that happen? How can my baby possibly be 7 months old? It happened so fast. Didn't I just bring him home last week?
He still loves sweet potatoes and fruits are hit or miss. Some days he eats them but most days he can do without. He loves his siblings and I fear he might never crawl because someone always wants to hold him. Although, he has seemed to master the art of rolling all around to get what he wants. His best friends remain Sophie and Mothra. He is growing like a weed!

On that note, all my kids are growing like weeds. When you first have children everyone tells you that they grow up so fast. It seems rather cliché because you hear it all the time. I think you (well *I*) sort of took it for granted. But it really is true. I just finished filling out the high school pre-registration packet for my oldest. My baby starts high school next year. How did that happen? My 11 year old son starts middle school next year and we just filled out all that paperwork as well. How did that happen? My sweet little 8 year old will be all alone in elementary school. When people tell you it goes by fast, they are not kidding. It really does. The days are long but the years are short. *sob*

On the job front...well I have no news. I am feeling pretty down about that entire situation. I had one lead that I really thought was going to work out but it looks like it is not happening. I am pretty bummed out about it and feeling like a loser. I knew better than to get my hopes up but well, too late. I am a ball of stress about finances and my self esteem has been punched in the face. *sigh*

My middle schoolers start track in two weeks and my boys start spring tackle in a month. I am ready, they are ready. We all need to get out some more. I am feeling rather like a hermit these days. The kids need the exercise and in a sick sort of way, I love the busy schedule (well most of the time).

Today I was at Target getting some last minute items for Valentine's Day and I came across this little gem. It was splurge these days due to our super tight budget. But I figure it is a Valentine's Day gift to myself. Yummy!

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