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Monday, January 7, 2013

Back to the grind

Christmas break is over and the kids go back to school tomorrow. Ugh. I am not really looking forward to it. I just really dislike being in the school routine. Worrying about permission slips, school pictures, homework, reading logs, doling out money left and right. Yuck. It is just not my thing. Not because I dislike doing these things for my kids but because I just get overwhelmed easily (Note to self: STOP sweating the SMALL stuff).

And mornings, well I am just not a morning person. I wish I could tell you I was one of those awesome mom's who wakes her kids up with hot cocoa and kisses while gentle rubbing their backs. I am not. I am not a morning person. Not at all. I barely drag myself out of bed and stumble to their rooms to wake them up. My husband still tells people that he was horrified (yes horrified) when he discovered just how grumpy I am in the mornings. My 11 and 8 year old are also not morning people. They are so grumpy in the mornings. And of course they are the first two that have to get up because their bus arrives at 7:10am. They are not happy campers in the mornings. Sometimes I start to get frustrated and wonder where they get it from. Oh wait...

I think that part of the problem is that I am not as organized as I would like to be. I have all these great ideas about organization but I am really awful at the execution part of my plans. I really want to work on that especially since I will be working again (soon?). Today I spent the day catching up on laundry. I made a bunch of hard boiled eggs for the kids to eat for breakfast. I made snacks for my little guys (my middle schoolers are too cool for snacks), coffee maker is ready to go, kids are bathed, backpacks are packed. I even have dinner planned. I think we are ready.

I am feeling ambitious because I also plan to get in a pumping session (need to build up my freezer stash again) before it is time for the big kids to leave. I agreed to a coffee date after I drop off the middle schoolers. AND I am planning to get in a run after my coffee date.

Hopefully I am able to execute this grand plan tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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