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Friday, January 4, 2013

I am bored

When my kids tell me they are bored I give them a "mom" response. I tell them that I have some chores they can do or "Boring people are bored." But I admit it, *I* am bored.

Football and Cross country ended in late October. Then my 12 year old broke his arm in September so he was not able to wrestle when football ended. My 11 and 8 year old choose not to wrestle or play basketball. My daughter was part of Cross Country and the cooking club, both activities ended in October. This fall I was going crazy trying to get all three boys to practice and my daughter to cross country meets 5-6 days a week with a newborn in tow. I was so READY for the break.

Here were are, on our sports break and I ready to start the madness again. The truth is that as much as I LOVE cheering the kids on...I like the adult interaction. When I was working full time I like the adult interaction outside of office talk. Once I was home with the baby it was nice to be out of the house nursing the baby in an outdoor folding chair rather than my couch. I like chatting with the other parents.

Many of my friends work or they are home schooling older kiddos. Funds dictate that I stay home most of the time so museums, shopping trips, coffee dates, are out of the question. I am feeling really isolated and incredibly lonely. I look forward to the kids getting home from school every day so I am not alone. Sad, I know.

Next week I am starting a running program with a friend (and by running I mean a combination of walking and slowly jogging). I have a brand new jogging stroller, new running shoes and 5 kids worth of baby fat. I have no excuses. Anyway, I hope that helps my funk.

And if not, well track and spring tackle begin in March. I always have that to look forward to.

Please feel free to remind me of the above comment when I start complaining about football 3 months from now.

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya, and I'm about to start in on being a full time stay at home, homeschooling mama. So while I'm not going to be home alone, I'm going to be missing the adult interaction.


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